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Chung-Hui Wang (Jones) WRT 101-21
English, Culture and me
“Mom please, I don’t want to go to the extension classes anymore.” This request is always company with me in my childhood memory.
All parents wish their children get well educate. To not letting their children lose at the starting line, most of the Taiwanese parents sent their kits to the extension schools to learn skills, my parents as well. My mother had been sent me to learn arithmetic, art, calligraphy, chess, math, piano, science, Tae Known Do and English. English is especially the subject that my mom forced me on the most. I actually had started going to the English extension class since I was in the elementary school second grade. But how come my English is still bad today?
I can clearly remember that I had been sent to nine different extension classes for learning English. Not include those places that I had just attendant for the trial lessons. Every once when I finally convince for not going to this school anymore, the next few days my mom will find and send me to the other one. Those hard time memorizes of endless lesson are the reasons how English always give me a connection of tiring. I hate English!
“Why should I learn it so hardly?”
“This is all for you.” ”You will understand and thank for me when you grow up.”
Every time if I ask my mom why should I learn English, she gives me is answer.
Sometimes life is contradicting. Even though I hate English so much, but what I am doing now is to write an Essay by English. Moreover, I have been living in the United States for six years and became the citizen here already. English now could count as my every day language. At least I must use it to communicate with the public here. Ironically, even I have been using English for almost one-third of my life time, I still don’t feel English is a genial easy language for me.
I don’t say that for the six years period I still can’t use any English, but English is certainly the biggest obstacle between me and the U.S. society. My family moved here when I was fourteen, during the age of puberty also as the rebellious phase. It was just the age I had started being independence and could started thinking more maturely, started recognizing my own identity of culture, started accommodating with my living style in Taiwan. I have a lot of friends in school in Taiwan; I like that community I was born and raised; I like my original culture and the way I live in Taiwan. Suddenly everything had been taken away everything was gone after my family had moved to the United States.
As oppose to the way I was in Taiwan, I refuse to be active of contacting the American community. I stay in my room spend whole day wallowed on internet in the world without English and rarely going outside. There is not any potential makes me want to improve my English, so I don’t build out my vocabularies and rarely read. I am always feeling myself not belongs to the United States and thinking about going back to Taiwan. For these, people might start understanding that how come I usually say myself not improve in English and always making bad connection with the life here.
When I first come to the America as a high school freshman I was put into ESL. ESL is refer to “English as a Second Language”, which is the program for those students whose English level are not required as stander, they have to be put into this program. For my entire four years high school and even the first two years of College I was still in ESL. Most of my friends are not the native English speakers. I could even exaggeratedly say that, a person who speaks Chinese all day here may have still find the way to survive.
Being a non-native speaker gives me hard time to get educate here in the United States. It is painful for me to open a textbook with all those English words. It is painful for me that even I have really paying attention, but still don’t know how to take notes in class. It is painful for me to express my ideas and write with my secondary language and sometimes teacher can still not understand. The most painful nightmares for me, is to guess around the multiple choice questions during exams, because I usually can’t fully understand what exact meaning of those options.
People have their own way of living. It might be hard for those native English speakers to imagine what kind of live of those nonnative speakers have. I definitely speak my native language instead of English at home. I almost only search on the sites and information that is in my native language. Except my mom, my father, older sister and I could tell that have not opened the television for years already because we only watch the Taiwanese TV shows on YouTube. Things could happen just as the way it does. Even though my family is in the Unites States now, but we still live in the way that we are prefer to, which is our original cultures.
No English at home, no social intercourse or hang over with the native people. Live with our old traditions. Live as the second-class citizen, we have been here in the United States for six years. It is not about the unfair treatment or discrimination from the society. It is what we have choice. It is the image of our American dream.
I don’t blame anything or anyone and I am not feeling regret or anything. I am really glad to have this chance to being here in the United States. These experiences of life here are not what everyone could get. Being here in United States, I can see and know a lot of people from the different place and different culture. Unites States is definitely the most mighty country in the world; people can get wider sight while being here. However, I still prefer to live in Taiwan. Since I was born and raised there, the lifestyle and culture in Taiwan is more suits with me. I have decided to go back Taiwan after I graduate. It is neither just about the matter of language nor just the culture here. This is my choice. It is from all those contradiction mixed together.